Messages from the Ermineskin Community League Board
Kent McMullin—Past President, Ermineskin Community League
EPCOR Initiative for Odour Issues Update (July 2020)
Steinhauer is included in our Corrosion and Odour Control Strategy which was initiated in 2019. Our strategy is to prevent the formation of gas in the sewer system; control the release of air from the sewer system; and adapt the system using real-time monitoring technologies and improved inspection data.
The strategy is expected to:
• Reduce odour intensity in Steinhauer-Duggan by 2020
• Permanently reduce sewer odour intensity in the consistent sewer odour areas by 2025 (Steinhauer-Duggan, Allendale-Pleasantview, and Bonnie Doon)
• Appreciably reduce sewer odour city-wide through operational improvements and trunk line cleaning
• Provide the data and monitoring needed to develop efficient and effective solutions for the future
Some of this work has already begun which will allow for better access to infrastructure to inspect lines and investigate odour issues.
Two access manholes were built into the Steinhauer trunk line along 104A Street near 48 Avenue in Duggan for inspection, monitoring and cleaning of the sanitary system. This work was completed in mid-May 2020 and is a part of the overall strategy to reduce sewer odours in the drainage system that can release in other areas of the city.
A trunk line ventilation control project is underway to insert devices into the sanitary system to control air flow along some sections of the trunk line with the most prominent odour. This is expected to reduce the odour along all of 106 Street, but particularly at the intersection of 34 Avenue and 106 Street. The ventilation work has been broken into two projects, one that is sealing manholes and another that is installing air-flow valves within the sanitary system. These projects will not only stop the sanitary air from exiting manholes, but will also help to prevent odour from leaving the main trunk line. Manhole sealing is expected to be done by the end of summer 2020. The air-flow valves are expected to be installed in the next two months.
A project has been initiated to reduce the odour impact of three pump stations upstream of Steinahuer (Kaskitayo, Blackburn and Twin Brooks). This project is currently in preliminary design with expected completion in mid-2021.
The Steinhauer-Duggan Replacement Tunnel project is currently in preliminary design with construction expected to start in 2021.
Please continue to encourage your residents to contact EPCOR Trouble at 780-412-4500 to report odour issues. We will dispatch a crew as soon as possible to help determine where the odours are originating.
The strategy is expected to:
• Reduce odour intensity in Steinhauer-Duggan by 2020
• Permanently reduce sewer odour intensity in the consistent sewer odour areas by 2025 (Steinhauer-Duggan, Allendale-Pleasantview, and Bonnie Doon)
• Appreciably reduce sewer odour city-wide through operational improvements and trunk line cleaning
• Provide the data and monitoring needed to develop efficient and effective solutions for the future
Some of this work has already begun which will allow for better access to infrastructure to inspect lines and investigate odour issues.
Two access manholes were built into the Steinhauer trunk line along 104A Street near 48 Avenue in Duggan for inspection, monitoring and cleaning of the sanitary system. This work was completed in mid-May 2020 and is a part of the overall strategy to reduce sewer odours in the drainage system that can release in other areas of the city.
A trunk line ventilation control project is underway to insert devices into the sanitary system to control air flow along some sections of the trunk line with the most prominent odour. This is expected to reduce the odour along all of 106 Street, but particularly at the intersection of 34 Avenue and 106 Street. The ventilation work has been broken into two projects, one that is sealing manholes and another that is installing air-flow valves within the sanitary system. These projects will not only stop the sanitary air from exiting manholes, but will also help to prevent odour from leaving the main trunk line. Manhole sealing is expected to be done by the end of summer 2020. The air-flow valves are expected to be installed in the next two months.
A project has been initiated to reduce the odour impact of three pump stations upstream of Steinahuer (Kaskitayo, Blackburn and Twin Brooks). This project is currently in preliminary design with expected completion in mid-2021.
The Steinhauer-Duggan Replacement Tunnel project is currently in preliminary design with construction expected to start in 2021.
Please continue to encourage your residents to contact EPCOR Trouble at 780-412-4500 to report odour issues. We will dispatch a crew as soon as possible to help determine where the odours are originating.
Crime in our Neighbourhood

I attended a Neighbourhood Watch Seminar in 2019. Presenters at the seminar emphasized the importance of reporting all criminal activity no matter how small. The data is analyzed by the Edmonton Police Service to look for trends and “hot spots.”
The data is entered into the EPS Crime Map ( According to the Crime Map, in the last three months, Ermineskin has had thirty nine (39) crimes reported while Steinhauer has had five (5). 44 Crimes reported in the Ermineskin/Steinhauer Communities
According to Neighbourhood Watch and EPS, many of the incidents are classified as “Nuisance” crimes and are related to the current drug culture. Another presenter spoke to the need of getting to know your neighbours by holding block parties. The familiarity of neighbours can help identify unfamiliar people and activities. A question was raised about confronting people that are unfamiliar. You need to be careful as there are many unfamiliar faces who may be visiting or live in the neighbourhood and they should not all be profiled as a possible criminal. If you think something is a criminal activity, please call the police non emergency number 780.423.4567 or 911.
Another question was raised about the use of photographs of suspicious persons captured by personal home security services. If a person is on your property and you don’t know them, then you can use those photographs on social media to advise others of suspicious activity. We were warned against posting pictures of unfamiliar people walking down sidewalks, unless you actually saw that person committing a crime.
We are looking for someone interested in sitting on the Board as the Neighbourhood Watch Rep. If this is something that would interest you please call the office - 780-438-6623 or email at [email protected] and please attend the board meeting in February.
The data is entered into the EPS Crime Map ( According to the Crime Map, in the last three months, Ermineskin has had thirty nine (39) crimes reported while Steinhauer has had five (5). 44 Crimes reported in the Ermineskin/Steinhauer Communities
According to Neighbourhood Watch and EPS, many of the incidents are classified as “Nuisance” crimes and are related to the current drug culture. Another presenter spoke to the need of getting to know your neighbours by holding block parties. The familiarity of neighbours can help identify unfamiliar people and activities. A question was raised about confronting people that are unfamiliar. You need to be careful as there are many unfamiliar faces who may be visiting or live in the neighbourhood and they should not all be profiled as a possible criminal. If you think something is a criminal activity, please call the police non emergency number 780.423.4567 or 911.
Another question was raised about the use of photographs of suspicious persons captured by personal home security services. If a person is on your property and you don’t know them, then you can use those photographs on social media to advise others of suspicious activity. We were warned against posting pictures of unfamiliar people walking down sidewalks, unless you actually saw that person committing a crime.
We are looking for someone interested in sitting on the Board as the Neighbourhood Watch Rep. If this is something that would interest you please call the office - 780-438-6623 or email at [email protected] and please attend the board meeting in February.
EPCOR Flood Mitigation Pond
EPCOR has continue to keep residents in both Steinhauer and Ermineskin updated on the plans for the two flood mitigation ponds. In December, a brochure was mailed to each home showing the areas of the two soccer fields that will be affected and the new sports amenities that will be created by the end of the two year construction process.