Advertise with Us!
Get to know your community and build your community support by advertising with us! Your advertisement will run in the print edition of the Enlightener.
The Enlightener has a circulation of 1800. Every effort is made to accurately report the information submitted or dictated. If you are interested in advertising in the Enlightener, please contact us at [email protected].
The Enlightener has a circulation of 1800. Every effort is made to accurately report the information submitted or dictated. If you are interested in advertising in the Enlightener, please contact us at [email protected].
Submission Requirements
Submissions are accepted for the newsletter as follows:
High resolution images are recommended for the best print result. The recommended image resolutions by advertising size is provided below. If you provide an image lower than the recommended resolution size, we cannot be responsible for pixelated images in the final publication.
Submissions are accepted for the newsletter as follows:
- Spring issue submit by January 30
- Summer issue submit by Apr 30
- Fall issue submit by July 30
- Winter issue submit by Oct 30
High resolution images are recommended for the best print result. The recommended image resolutions by advertising size is provided below. If you provide an image lower than the recommended resolution size, we cannot be responsible for pixelated images in the final publication.
Our advertisers play an important role in our community as they support us and many of our endeavors. Rates are as follow:
Our advertisers play an important role in our community as they support us and many of our endeavors. Rates are as follow: