For registration in one of our Intellidance classes, print off this form for current class and bring into the office or click here for online registration for upcoming session.
What is Intellidance®?

Intellidance® is a unique series of research-based creative dance and music programs that foster critical development in children from baby to age 5.
Intellidance® is a playful and creative approach to movement and music education in the early years. With a foundation in early childhood development, educational research, and best practices, you can expect every moment of our classes to be FUN.... on purpose!
The Intellidance® child-learning philosophy follows the following three tenants:
· Each child is a unique individual and will be respected as such.
· Children learn best in an open play-based environment.
· Children learn through participation, observation, and interaction
Sessions are generally 8 weeks long:
Fall - starts in September
Winter - starts in January
Spring - starts in April
*Registration and payment are due at the first class or at the ECL office prior.
Please contact the ECL office with any questions (780) 438-6623 or [email protected]